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『Letters from Prison』が Macau International Short Film Festivalで上映されます

マカオ国際短編映画祭2020の「SHORTS Documentary 1」プログラムにて『Letters from Prison』が上映されます。会場は中国マカオのサンロウレンソ、東アジアで最初の洋式劇場のひとつドン・ペドロ5世劇場。

Letters from Prison will be screened at Macau International Short Film Festival 2020 as a part of 'SHORTS Documentary 1' programme. The venue is The Dom Pedro V Theatre where is one of the first western-style theatres in East Asia.

Letters from Prison (short documentary, 11min, 2019)


A personal documentary about an exchange between a filmmaker and an inmate who converted to Islam in a Scottish prison. Takahiro Ueno met the inmate last winter and began his correspondence. In the letters, he touches the inmate’s memories, complex feelings, and the confession of his crime. The exchange forces the filmmaker to wonder about himself and our capacity of doing wrong. Can true forgiveness ever happen?


上映日程 / screening date and time

2020年12月2日(水)16:00(CST) / 2nd December 2020, 16:00 (CST)

会場 / venue

ドン・ペドロ5世劇場(中国マカオ サンロウレンソ)

Dom Pedro V Theatre (São Lourenço, Macau, China)

料金 / fee


Macau International Short Film Festival


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